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Naming conventions

All of the macros in the library begin with the prefix BOOST_VMD_, where VMD stands for 'Variadic Macro Data'.

Following the prefix, certain names in the macros refer to data types in this library or Boost PP. These names and their data types are:

  1. TUPLE = Boost PP tuple data type.
  2. ARRAY = Boost PP array data type.
  3. LIST = Boost PP list data type.
  4. SEQ = Boost PP seq data type.
  5. IDENTIFIER = A VMD identifier
  6. NUMBER = A VMD number

I have used most of these names in order to mimic the naming of Boost PP as closely as possible. Subsequent use of the words 'tuple', 'array', 'list', and 'seq' refer to these Boost PP data types unless otherwise noted. See the help for Boost PP for any explanation of these data types. For a VMD identifier I use the term 'v-identifier' and for a VMD number I use the term 'v-number'. Documentation for these in VMD will follow.
